Thursday, August 23, 2007

Biological Psychology

Biological Psychology is now my favorite subject of all time. I may be more excited about this than even the sensation and perception stuff. I was so completely engrossed in yesterday's class, I barely noticed the time go by. We learned about how Novocain works, which I may explain here in a minute just for something else to write. I have no idea what I am going to do with my life, but I know that this has to be apart of it. I've almost outlined four entire chapters of the book. That's all the chapters for the first test. At the moment, the last one seems to be the hardest, but we'll see how that goes.

I'm still enjoying the Human Resources class and I get to do a job analysis this semester as well as a performance appraisal. In Research Methods, I will be doing five mini experiments, and five mini apa papers. In Biological Psychology, I will be learning about how the Central Nervous System functions and what causes some abnormal behaviors and what affects them. In abnormal psychology, I will learn about psychological disorders, methods for treating such disorders as well as some of the biology that goes along with the disorders.

I think the most exciting part for me right now is to be reading a book and realize I already know some of the information, and I'll catch myself adding facts to a paragraph that the author(s) skimmed over. That, to me, is extremely exciting and enjoyable. It makes the work of the last, what, sixteen years, finally seem worthwhile, even if it's only for my own ego.

The other exciting thing going on right now is that I will (hopefully) be doing at least one research project this semester, if not two. That will help increase my chances of getting into grad school as well as giving me valuable contacts for references for jobs or my grad school application. I am so excited about things right now. It's actually difficult to stop and relax for a while. I have to force myself to stop doing things and just to relax for a while so that I don't get burned out, as is the typical process at this part of the semester. We will see if I am this excited in October or November. Then we will probably know where things stand and whether or not I need to change my plan for my own future. Well, I guess that's it for me right now, let me know if you have any thoughts, input, or just annoyance at my ramblings....

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