Thursday, August 23, 2007

As Requested

I was recently requested to blog more and I have been trying to think about topics for several days even as the world around me seems to teeter on the brink of.... who knows. Anyway, so I thought about writing about how I felt when I started thinking about something random to do for the guy I love. I am not good at random, and I am horrible at gift giving. So I thought about it for a while and while I was thinking, Forever your Girl by Paula Abdul came on the radio.

My first thought was definitely about when I was a kid and I'd take my dad's tapes and play them while I was doing laundry or some chore or another. I used to love the Paula Abdul tape because it was so high tempo throughout the tape. Anyway, as the song was playing, my thoughts ran towards relationships and how I'd always planned on having one like the one I'm in now, but wondered if it was really possible.

Anyway, after all this thought, I finally realized I was going to end up making him a cd of mushy love songs. It took me about two hours, WAY longer than I expected, to pick out songs that actually applied to us. Long story short (is this really short?), he loved it. I can't even describe how I felt when I opened up the email during my research methods class and read his response....

As far as work goes, the Copy Center position is a great relief for my mind. I was worried when my boss looked at me the first day and wanted to see if I could stay late. I did, but I also told him I wouldn't be in a different day of the week. I don't mind staying late or doing extra work, I just want to make sure that it is all reciprocal from day one. Other than that, though, it is really satisfying to be able to look at a stack of collated and bound booklets and know that I worked on those, they look great, and somebody will be looking at them tomorrow or the next day. It doesn't even matter what is actually in the book, so long as I do my job right and make it look good.

The HP thing starts this saturday, so we will see how that goes. I can sell technology, so I am not worried about that part. I just want to make sure I get into the swing of things, filling out the forms I need to, talking to the people I should, and such.

My toe is feeling much better, thankfully, although I will admit the shoes I wear to the Copy Center position are going to have to change because they make my feet and my calves ache something fierce. My social life is nothing currently, but that's to be expected at the beginning of the semester.

Andy and I are doing well. I keep looking at wedding stuff, deciding what I want things to look like even if I don't pick out the finalized products. I don't know where we are going to have the wedding, but I guess he needs to propose first. I can't really even get a budget going until that happens. Hmmmmmm...... well I've already nagged him plenty so I'm not going to nag him anymore.

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