Tuesday, August 28, 2007


What is it about a person that makes them so attractive? I have finally figured out what my "type" is. He needs to be a brunette, ambitious (but not overly so), family oriented, successful (or working toward it), intelligent, funny, and attentive. But that doesn't really fit with the types of guys I find physically attractive.

Let me rephrase that. Every guy that I have crushed on for looks first, I have never dated for one reason or another. There is only really one that I really wanted to date after getting to know him more. Intelligence seems to be my biggest factor in deciding attraction, but at the same time, certain body types seem to pull at me....and I really don't know why.

Some might think that they would look like my father, but they don't. The only thing that really is comparative to my father is the slender build, but even that is dependent upon the guy. I really like toned arms and back, because I see that as a sign of healthiness and dedication to self as well as to work and play. I just don't understand why when I see somebody's physical attributes and find them so .... magnetic (for lack of a better word)..... I never end up finding the person to be compatible with me.

Maybe it has something to do with the safety zone and the fact that I am really shy around guys unless I am currently dating somebody or they are currently dating somebody. That's a potential reason, but maybe I just need to research more about the psychology and biology of attraction. It is an interesting question to ponder though...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Biological Psychology

Biological Psychology is now my favorite subject of all time. I may be more excited about this than even the sensation and perception stuff. I was so completely engrossed in yesterday's class, I barely noticed the time go by. We learned about how Novocain works, which I may explain here in a minute just for something else to write. I have no idea what I am going to do with my life, but I know that this has to be apart of it. I've almost outlined four entire chapters of the book. That's all the chapters for the first test. At the moment, the last one seems to be the hardest, but we'll see how that goes.

I'm still enjoying the Human Resources class and I get to do a job analysis this semester as well as a performance appraisal. In Research Methods, I will be doing five mini experiments, and five mini apa papers. In Biological Psychology, I will be learning about how the Central Nervous System functions and what causes some abnormal behaviors and what affects them. In abnormal psychology, I will learn about psychological disorders, methods for treating such disorders as well as some of the biology that goes along with the disorders.

I think the most exciting part for me right now is to be reading a book and realize I already know some of the information, and I'll catch myself adding facts to a paragraph that the author(s) skimmed over. That, to me, is extremely exciting and enjoyable. It makes the work of the last, what, sixteen years, finally seem worthwhile, even if it's only for my own ego.

The other exciting thing going on right now is that I will (hopefully) be doing at least one research project this semester, if not two. That will help increase my chances of getting into grad school as well as giving me valuable contacts for references for jobs or my grad school application. I am so excited about things right now. It's actually difficult to stop and relax for a while. I have to force myself to stop doing things and just to relax for a while so that I don't get burned out, as is the typical process at this part of the semester. We will see if I am this excited in October or November. Then we will probably know where things stand and whether or not I need to change my plan for my own future. Well, I guess that's it for me right now, let me know if you have any thoughts, input, or just annoyance at my ramblings....

As Requested

I was recently requested to blog more and I have been trying to think about topics for several days even as the world around me seems to teeter on the brink of.... who knows. Anyway, so I thought about writing about how I felt when I started thinking about something random to do for the guy I love. I am not good at random, and I am horrible at gift giving. So I thought about it for a while and while I was thinking, Forever your Girl by Paula Abdul came on the radio.

My first thought was definitely about when I was a kid and I'd take my dad's tapes and play them while I was doing laundry or some chore or another. I used to love the Paula Abdul tape because it was so high tempo throughout the tape. Anyway, as the song was playing, my thoughts ran towards relationships and how I'd always planned on having one like the one I'm in now, but wondered if it was really possible.

Anyway, after all this thought, I finally realized I was going to end up making him a cd of mushy love songs. It took me about two hours, WAY longer than I expected, to pick out songs that actually applied to us. Long story short (is this really short?), he loved it. I can't even describe how I felt when I opened up the email during my research methods class and read his response....

As far as work goes, the Copy Center position is a great relief for my mind. I was worried when my boss looked at me the first day and wanted to see if I could stay late. I did, but I also told him I wouldn't be in a different day of the week. I don't mind staying late or doing extra work, I just want to make sure that it is all reciprocal from day one. Other than that, though, it is really satisfying to be able to look at a stack of collated and bound booklets and know that I worked on those, they look great, and somebody will be looking at them tomorrow or the next day. It doesn't even matter what is actually in the book, so long as I do my job right and make it look good.

The HP thing starts this saturday, so we will see how that goes. I can sell technology, so I am not worried about that part. I just want to make sure I get into the swing of things, filling out the forms I need to, talking to the people I should, and such.

My toe is feeling much better, thankfully, although I will admit the shoes I wear to the Copy Center position are going to have to change because they make my feet and my calves ache something fierce. My social life is nothing currently, but that's to be expected at the beginning of the semester.

Andy and I are doing well. I keep looking at wedding stuff, deciding what I want things to look like even if I don't pick out the finalized products. I don't know where we are going to have the wedding, but I guess he needs to propose first. I can't really even get a budget going until that happens. Hmmmmmm...... well I've already nagged him plenty so I'm not going to nag him anymore.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sensation and Perception

I have to admit that my obsession with this subjects borders on a masochistic obsession. I bought a book I've been coveting for about a year and a half now, Sensation and Perception by Goldstein. When I got the book in, I found out that a lab manual can go with it, but I'll have to save up for that because that's another hundred dollars. Anyway, when I received the book, I was so perversely pleased with it, I must have stared at the cover for a good ten minutes before I even opened it up, anticipating the knowledge it would hold.

I know this seems completely weird and borderline crazy (although I never said I wasn't...) but I think I've finally convinced myself that I can at least pursue my dream of writing a volume of books about the human species even if nobody buys them, and nobody wants to publish them. I'm finally beginning to have the dream for myself and not for the money I can see at the end of the tunnel.

Anyway, other than that, the house has been pushed back to the beginning of October. I will be starting Express Scripts on Monday and I will work at CostCo as an HP rep on Saturdays it looks like. Life seems to be looking up.... My toe is still weird even though they removed part of the nail on Wednesday, but I'm hoping it will be nice again by next week. It doesn't really matter if it isn't, I just imagine it will be easier to walk again.

Well, please keep in touch!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

My achilles heal......errrrrr big toe?????

Who knew an ingrown toenail could be so painful??? For a month now I've been trying to clean out and heal up this infected big toe to no avail. Finally, this morning, I went to a health clinic where the nurse practitioner tried to get it all cleaned out for me.

After I regained consciousness, she told me that it was worse than she expected, put me on some antibiotics, and ibuprofen, and told me I would probably have to have my toenail removed. SWEET!!!! In the meantime, I'm loopy, pussy, and in general uncomfortable as I try to walk without touching my big toe to anything at all around it. It's so annoying to be able to do so many things normally and then have something as small as my toe hurt me so much that I can't seem to do anything.

Anyways, other than that, I have much news to impart!!!!

I quit Depot, or at least put in my notice. I feel that I need a break from retail to focus more on school and to prevent ultimate burnout. I am now going to be an HP rep and work in the copy center for a major corporation. I feel like both opportunities will not only enable me to make enough money to pay my bills, but also focus on my homework and schoolwork.

Aside from that the house is about five weeks from being move-in ready. Andy and I are making plans on how we are going to fill it up already as well as beginning to pack up the stuff we aren't going to need from the condo.

Then comes school. I am only attending for twelve hours and only on two days of the week, but I would imagine that this will be my toughest semester yet because the course work is definitely going to be difficult and most likely strenuous. I am most excited about my Biological Psychology class and I have also purchased a book for my Sensation and Perception books that I want to write. That should help me in understanding many of the basic functions of sensation and perception so that I may research it on several other levels. My initial reports, or novels, or whatever you would like to call them are primarily going to be a meta-analysis of the studies and theories that have already been presented.

Hmmmmm, alright maybe it's time for me to go to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow, and only a day to do it in. Hopefully I'll get a call from Human Resources for the company I am supposed to be a copy center associate for.