Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I just realized how long it has been since my last post. It is probable that nobody reads this but on the off-chance that they do, I don't want them to miss out on several months worth!

In April, my husband and I went to Hawaii and it was absolutely amazing. We stayed on Kuai, and for the first portion of the 10 day trip, we rented a house in Kapa'a, which was absolutely gorgeous, modern, wall full of windows sort of house and was amazing. It was the most inspirational place I have ever been too. The southern portion on the island as well as the southwest is very arid and desert-like. The north and northwest of the island is a rain forest, and the eastern side is temperate. It was absolutely amazing to be able to visit each portion and enjoy the weather no matter wherever we were on the island. I felt at home there as I never have anywhere else, a connection to the writer in me, but then again, that may just be wishful thinking and the pleasantness of it being my husband's an my one-year anniversary/honeymoon trip.

After that, I finally got my Thyroid levels all figured out and the green light to start trying to get pregnant.

As far as work has been concerned, I also took on the role of Communications Director at the community and have really enjoyed the opportunity and challenges presented when facing the restructuring and retraining of employees for a department that was already in existence, although playing a different role.

My crochet club ladies and I are also working hard to make sure that we have crafts for our Alzheimer's Silent Auction coming up next month and hopefully we will have quite a few things to show for our efforts. I have raised some money online on my website and really appreciate any and all of the donations for that.

I don't really know what else to add at the moment. My husband is doing wonderfully and I am very proud of him and what he is working on as Director of Marketing at his company, and the cats are sleeping and purring away, just waiting for their next set of pets....and maybe a snack :) Until next time.

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