Sunday, September 30, 2007

Transitioning, Friendships, and other stuff

Recently I've been thinking about some things. I've decided that I hate moving. It's not just the packing of things, the frustration of realizing that no matter how hard you work or try to map things out, you will ALWAYS forget something. It's also the idea, feelings, and memories associated with leaving a place. It seems I never learn or realize how much a place means to me until I'm packing up and shipping out (typically to a place that's not even very far from the first).

So why move? Well part of it has to do with transition, such as moving away from the parents and into the dorm and some of it has to do with lack of space like my current move with my boyfriend out of the condo where we really share one room and a bathroom, because of the other roommate. I'm still finding myself in horrible spirits as this move comes along even though I am extremely excited about starting my new life with my boyfriend and our two babies (we're adopting kittens because children are too much for us at the present).

I wont lie, I am a total pack rat. Every time I decide whether to keep something or throw it out, I go through a series of debates with myself. In the end, I typically decide to keep the object, feeling that I've gotten rid of plenty already, only to throw it out later when I decide I really didn't need it in the first place...

On another topic, I think I might be finally beginning to mature. I go through these times where I swear to myself and others that I am really mature, only to be knocked on my butt when I realize some transition has actually occurred. The latest one for me was actually hanging out with several of my friends recently. I realized that no matter how far people go or what they are doing, it always seems like they've been right there the whole time, even if you've been horrible about keeping in touch.

Some of the things we've talked about I'd forgotten, some I remembered even though I may not have wanted to, and others were just downright funny. It's pretty interesting how the nickname "moose" can bring back with it so many memories, some good and others not. It always jolts me back to earth and causes me to remember yet again that I should probably write that letter that I have been meaning to, or (as is more typical), actually find an envelope and stamp to actually mail it off.

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