Sunday, September 09, 2007

HI :)

I haven't really said anything for a couple of weeks, and anybody who knows me knows that I like talking, so I figured that I would type up a new blog. Problem is, I'm not really sure what to type.....hmmmm.

Well, I am starting to work on some research for school. The more I look into research studies that have already been completed and the more I begin to focus on working on my own research, the more excited I find myself getting. There are so many things out there to study!!! Of course, I mainly want to study people, but that doesn't really limit the field of study at all, so then I have to decide whether I want to study people in their work environment, how they interact (in any number of relationships), their they shop, what they buy, how they decide what they want versus what they need... Any of these topics have so many levels to them that one could get tired simply looking for the beginning of the loop. Still, I find it extremely interesting to read other people's studies and see what has interested someone. I saw a study that designed a color system for people and showed their compatibility on that color system. Then I saw another study disproving that one!

Aside from experimental studies are also the simple observational studies where we people watch. What we are looking for is going to depend on the type of research being done, as well as what people's reactions to us will be. I find people watching to be immensely entertaining. I think everybody participates at some point, but I actually have a job where one day a week if it is slow, all I end up doing is people-watching. It excites me to see what the children will run to, or how a person's face changes when someone gets mad, or when people look when you know they are arguing, but you cannot hear what they are saying.

All of these things draw my interest simply because I have experienced some form of them at some point in my life. I was once a child, running around and finding whatever toy would cheer me up for that moment. I have also been in one of those arguments with family members where I know someone had to see us, but I was too busy feeling guilty for whatever it was I had done to be worried about what other people thought of the interaction.

Now with this, I am not people watching to judge people. I have no method with which to judge them anyway. I do not know who they are, what they do, or what they want out of life. Nor do I know the events leading up to these actions, nor do I know what will follow. Still, I find it interesting to watch and try to understand what is going on currently, in whatever situation I am observing.

Anyhow, I don't really know what else to write. My boyfriend and I are still doing well, getting ready to move into the house. My birthday is a week from Tuesday, although I don't think I'll be able to celebrate it for a while because I have tests and projects coming up that take priority, plus he has a lot going on with this own school and work. Who knows though, maybe we'll find time to go to dinner or something. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you...whoever you are... so email me or call me or...whatever!

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