Friday, October 19, 2007

If I could delete a week from my life.....

This past week has been stupid. That's really the only way to describe it. All of the little things that have gone wrong with the house, my own attitudes, lack of sleep, and stress all make for one week of hell. None of it was really even that bad, but I'll go day by day anyway.

Sunday - work wasn't that bad, boring but not horrible. Came home and my kittens were sneezing. Leo completely lost his energy though and by the time we went to bed, I was wondering if he would make it through the night with his little wheezing and sneezing. Ayla was sneezing but not nearly as bad as leo. So i stayed up most of the night with them to make sure they were ok.

Monday - Took the cats to the vet, which was actually really good, except for when they had to take their temps and the kittens screamed because you don't take their temps through their mouths. We got some medication becuase they just have colds and I am to feed it to them twice a day, all is good.

Tuesday - blinds are to be installed. For some reason, rather than having blackout blinds for the bedroom (which makes sense), the guy wrote down for the master bathroom. End result being a really dark bathroom that's kinda spooky at night, and a lighter bedroom that I would have loved. The color of the blinds is perfect though, and they measured them unbelievably well.

Wednesday - direct tv guys are supposed to be here somewhere between 6 and 8. Andrew and I get up early even though the night before I still hadn't slept well (kittens had been much more playful the past night or two). At around 8:15 andrew called because he had to be at work at 9. They were on their way. Apparently they always have meetings on wednesdays but the schedulers dont know that??? When the guy DID show up, he told andrew it would be 4 HOURS to get it installed. End result, andrew is working from home.
Meanwhile, I had gone of to school to review for a test I had and couldn't find a parking spot for half an hour, which also took up a quarter tank of gas. So i gave up and went to walmart to pick up my prescription, get gas, and pick up my video game. My video game wasn't in, so I went to the cheesecake factory and ate fattening food to make myself feel a little bit better. When i was done, I headed back to the store to pick up my game, got into a fender-bender (that really didn't end up making a scratch and nobody worried about it but still ) , was told the game was still not in, and headed to take my test, which I had studied a bit for at the cheesecake factory. Got to my test, blanked out and didn't remember a damn thing. On the way home, nearly felt I was going to lose control of my car twice again becuase my tires don't seem to grip on wet surfaces.... and went to bed before I headed to class.... The rest of the evening went really well, but I was still very tired.

Thursday - work went as smoothly as possible I suppose, although everyone seemed in a rather foul mood. One of my coworkers received a call her cousin's baby had died, and that was heartbreaking as well as shocking to everyone. Came home and played video games before taking a long bubble bath and reading my book.... did not relax me as it should have.

Today - Friday - so far has been good, although the landscapers are here now and the maids are coming later. We will see how this goes. I will not get my hopes up, but I don't want to feel angry either, so who knows.

Anyway, I was also hoping to get a call back for a job I had a second interview for a week ago and haven't heard. A friend of mine gets married today and while I'm really happy for him, there is a sense of melancholy because I feel like we'll probably never really hang out again (he hasn't really hung out with me since he's had her as a girlfriend), but who knows. I need to stop anticipating the worst.... I'm going to sleep.

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