Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's been a while....

I haven't written in quite a while so I figured it was time for an update. I finally picked up my bridesmaid dress last Wednesday and realized I have gained quite a bit more weight than I thought I had this past year. This was a very disconcerting notion for me, as I have never considered myself to be too "fat" for anything. Now as my brother and I tried to zip up the dress for the very first time, I had to consider LOSING weight when I had always tried to gain it before.

The more amusing thing about this dress is the lace on it. My brother and I managed to get the dress on me and zipped all the way up just for me to realize how Elizabeth turner felt when she couldn't breathe in her dress. Hmmmmm, so it was time for Kevin to get me out of it...only he couldn't..... for half an hour we struggled with the lace and me panicking and the zipper being a pain until .....finally..... he was able to get it undone. I was afraid I'd have to wait for hours to breathe in again.

The next day i went on the no-carb diet. That lasted all of three horrible, nasty, disgusting days where I was crabby, tired, and wanted to cry. The new diet is nutrisystem. That seems to be working well because I have energy and I don't feel hungry all the time. And it's actually pretty cheap at only ten bucks a day for three meals and a snack.

Anyway, so other than the lovely wedding I am attending this weekend, I have simply been working on summer school, Spanish four hours a day four days a week, and work, which isn't so bad when you only work twenty hours a week during the summer. Overall, things seem to be ok, I guess....Andy hasn't broken up with me so that's a plus. I'm surprised, though, because I'm a royal pain to live with...

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