Thursday, March 29, 2007

Stuck in Dallas

So we're stuck in Dallas. This isn't really that big of a problem for me, but the people all around me are complaining. Does it have something to do with the fact that every other flight to St. Louis has been canceled, or to the fact that tomorrow is Friday, and another workday for most people?

I just enjoyed a wonderfully free trip to Cancun, Mexico, compliments of my boyfriend's corporation.... a benefit of working the hardest or being liked the most. I am not quite sure which one won him the most votes, but I certainly won't complain.

Anyway, we have been in Dallas since 4 p.m. In that time we have had a wonderful dinner, traveled the airport quite a bit, my boyfriend has taken a nap on the floor, I've read 250 pages of my wonderful book, Eragon, and watched entire planes worth of people get frustrated and angry.

I know that this is like anybody else's experience with bad weather in an airport and I do not feel very badly about it. It could be because I am relaxed, or just because I have the day off of work tomorrow, but I do not feel rushed at all. I do feel bad to the many people around me that have friends, family, and commitments to get to. My boyfriend himself has a very important meeting tomorrow that he does not want to miss, but it will not be the end of the world if he does.

The one thing that I can appreciate is that I have met many interesting people tonight. Everybody seems entranced with the plane that is sitting behind us with its lights off and engines off. Every once in a while the engines will start up just to tease us, although I am definitely sure there is some functional reason for their starting and stopping.

All-in-all nothing to get overly stressed about. One must come to terms that every once in a while, they cannot control their universe. And with that, back to my book of fantasy.

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