Friday, February 23, 2007

Don't Judge Me!

So I've been doing some serious soul-searching as a result of rampant anxiety-attacks this past semseter. I finally went to see a psychologist so that I might figure out and maybe fix this little annoying problem

So we talked about me, or rather, I talked about me for quite a while. What my life is like now, how things are going, what stresses me out, and why I think my family issues may be the root of all this stress. Nothing you guys haven't heard before. Of course, it's her job to start asking more and more questions to see just what it is that bothers me.

Here I am, sitting in a room I don't want to be in, talking to a lady I really would like to ignore, about things I don't want to think about, and all because I want to be a nicer person. So this obviously didn't make me all that happy. All I felt after the first session was completely drained. that was three weeks ago.

So after a few more sessions and a bit of crying, I think I may have helped myself a little bit. I still don't know exactly what about my past right now causes the whole anxiety thing. I also don't have a quick fix to any of my problems, which is what I was hoping for. I want to go for like three sessions, declare myself cured, and go on my way. No such luck, apparently.

I have discovered that it is okay to show more emotions than just happiness and anger, though, and I'm learning for the first time how to recognize and describe some of my feelings. It's kind of funny (and probably rather boring for you to read but whatever), but I can recognize nuances pretty easily in other people, but not in myself.

I've got a lot of interesting issues in my life that are not going to seem as though they are overly dramatic, and I should probably just "get over them," but I know that will not happen until I actually acknowledge the impact they have had on my own life.

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