Wednesday, August 30, 2006


The definition of amaze is to fill someone with wonder. Is that how you feel when you are amazed at something? When did we lose our sense of wonder? Was it when we grew up and suddenly realized we had jobs to attend to and bills to pay? Did it happen because now there seem to be more bills than money floating around? Why do we look at the sky and ignore it's presence? Has science destroyed the wonder of the sunrise? Is it because we have an explanation for everything be it discovered or not yet?

"At the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know that place for the very first time." T.S. Elliot I feel wonder at the greenness of the grass even though I know what causes it. This may seem ignorant. I feel wonder when I see a child learning what a bike is, even before they find out they can learn to ride it. I find wonder in the ways of people not like me, be them my neighbors, born in a different time of different traditions, or a people like the Trobrianders - well studied and yet still maintaining and retaining their cultural values.

"With thought comes understanding. Through understanding arrives patience, respect and love. Through love, I maintain, we are human." Love is such an interesting and complicated word. It can be as inspiring as demanding, as wonderful as odious, as tedious as exciting. Love requires patience, respect, and definitely understanding. I have to say that understanding does come from thought but also from interaction. People must communicate in order to be able to understand each other in any decent way.

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